Shopping Cart

Payment Method

Hey! Dear customer!

Welcome to! Thank you for your interest in our water filter jug. I value your shopping experience very much and have established the following payment policy to ensure that your payment process is smooth, simple and safe.

Payment method

We currently only accept PayPal payments, supporting Visa, MasterCard, JCB and American Express.

PayPal is a safe and secure way to pay online, allowing you to easily complete transactions using your credit card, debit card or bank account. Through PayPal, you can enjoy advanced payment protection services to ensure that your transaction information is safe and worry-free.

Payment process

1) Select water filter jug: Browse our website and select the water filter jug you are interested in, add it to your shopping cart.

2) Checkout: When you are ready to checkout, click the “Checkout” button on the shopping cart page and you will be directed to the checkout page.

3) Select payment method: Fill in the billing details on the checkout page and select “PayPal” as your payment method.

4) Log in to PayPal account: If you already have a PayPal account, just enter your login information. If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can choose to create a new account.

5) Confirm payment: Confirm your order information and payment amount, and click the “Pay” button to complete the transaction.

Payment security

We take your payment security very seriously. By paying with PayPal, your credit card information and bank account information are protected by the highest level of encryption. Additionally, PayPal offers protection against unauthorized payments and fraud, ensuring your transactions are safe and worry-free.

Payment declined

Your order may be declined for payment for reasons including but not limited to:

  • The transaction amount exceeds the available credit limit of the account.
  • The credit card account number entered is incorrect.
  • The credit card may be expired, invalid, or blocked.

If you are unable to pay, please contact your bank to inquire about the reason for the decline for further instructions.


If you return the product or cancel the order, the refund amount will be returned to your PayPal payment account within 1-2 business days. In case of holidays, the refund amount will be postponed, so please wait patiently.

If you have any questions or need help about our payment policy or payment process, please feel free to contact our customer service Wendy Rodriquez via email at [email protected]. We will reply to you within 1 business day and provide you with dedicated support.

Thank you for choosing our water filter jug, we look forward to providing you with excellent service and product experience!